Our suppliers

Our long-term success depends on acting responsibly in everything we do. This ranges from how we responsibly source all the raw materials, goods or services we need, to the way our products are distributed and sold.

Managing our supply chain responsibly is a priority for our business. We believe this is beneficial not only for our sustainable growth, but also for our stakeholders and wider society. Our approach to sustainability is built in part around environmental, community investment and human rights priorities – all of which inform the standards we hold our suppliers to. 

As such, one of our core sustainability targets is to screen all key suppliers against environmental, social and governance criteria by 2023.

Sustainability at JTI

The standards we hold our suppliers to

To ensure positive and sustainable relationships, we hold all our suppliers to ten essential standards

1. All suppliers must comply with applicable laws and regulations.

2. JTI will not tolerate any form of bribery or corruption in any of its business activities.

3. Suppliers should avoid dealing with JTI employees who have an actual or perceived conflict of interest.

4. Suppliers must comply with all applicable economic sanctions and export controls.

5. JTI expects suppliers to safeguard against association with any form of illegal trade.

6. Suppliers retained to conduct market research, marketing or promotional activities on tobacco products shall comply with JTI’s Global Marketing Standard.

7. Suppliers should respect human rights by adopting and maintaining standards of labor practices and working conditions that comply with all local legislations and international conventions.

8. Suppliers must ensure safe and healthy working conditions for their employees, suppliers and visitors.

9. JTI reserves the right to periodically review suppliers’ compliance with all Standards. 

10. JTI expects its suppliers to report to JTI any concern in relation to compliance with its Standards or a situation or incident which may affect suppliers’ compliance with the Standards.

For further information, access our JTI Supplier Standards.

What a supplier needs to do

Every JTI supplier needs to sign up to our terms and conditions.

JTI believes that its suppliers are as valuable to its success as any other partner with which it works. We insist that all our partners respect certain key values and principles – as we do ourselves. This is reflected in our invoicing system, which, streamlined and efficient, is designed to ensure that we expedite all payments as speedily as possible. But that’s also why we insist on a number of mandatory elements and processes for our invoices. In this way, we help to ensure, for both parties – JTI and suppliers – that integrity is maintained and upheld, and that any potential pitfalls surrounding transparency and conflict of interest are avoided.  


Supplier certification is very important to us. It is a key part of our sustainability objective, as it not only ensures that we know who we are working with, but also that our suppliers meet our own standards. It is vital that our suppliers are responsible suppliers themselves and share our values of transparency and responsibility.   

MySupplier is a tool designed to standardize and simplify the life-cycle management of suppliers in JTI. As a potential supplier to JTI you will be invited to register, so that you can manage your own company information and perform the certification that will be required of JTI suppliers. Your company data information will then be transferred to MySupplier. 

As with JTI’s invoicing system, MySupplier is designed to ensure that interactions between JTI and its suppliers flows as smoothly as possible. By allowing us to store all data in the same consistent format, you the supplier will receive the information you need from us (and vice versa) as quickly as possible. This form of supplier certification allows for much more effective trouble-shooting, and helps ensuring that we deliver on our commitment to treat our suppliers in as fair and impartial a manner as possible. It is also vital for our commitment to transparency, and above all, the consistency embedded in MySupplier ensures that all information is retained securely and safely. 

You can find more details about the registration process below:

Registration process

people%20culture.png Invitation

As a potential supplier, you will receive an invitation to register.

regulation-icon_0.png Registration

You will be asked to provide information about your company (such as company name, address, bank details, etc.).

Brands_6_0.png Certification

Based on information provided, the certification process will start. JTI will evaluate your responses and eligibility as a JTI supplier. Supplier certifications will be renewed on regular basis.

Supplier portal Terms of Use.

If you would like to become a JTI supplier please contact the appropriate JTI office.

How we work

We’ve been redefining the way a tobacco company achieves success since our creation in 1999.

More on Sustainability

Our long-term business growth and success depends on being a responsible member of all the communities we operate in.