We are excited to introduce PRIDE, the first employee resource group for the LGBT+ community at JTI. By launching PRIDE at our Geneva headquarters, we’re taking another small step towards a more equal and inclusive JTI.
We are excited to introduce PRIDE, the first employee resource group for the LGBT+ community at JTI. By launching PRIDE at our Geneva headquarters, we’re taking another small step towards a more equal and inclusive JTI.
JTI has always been proud to be an inclusive culture. However, for a small but significant group of employees, feeling counted and part of a team was not always the reality.
Visible and vocal representation for the LGBT+ community hadn’t yet been established. If you don’t know that there are people like you in your organisation, it can be hard to feel that you belong there. For example, research has found that a third of LGBT+ people in the EU always hide their identity from co-workers. Even more have faced discrimination at work because of who they are.
We knew this had to change. Love is love, and everyone has a right to be their authentic selves at work.
The People and Culture team made early efforts to bring LGBT+ equality to JTI. But the programs really began to thrive when they were supported openly for the first time by LGBT+ community members in 2019. We realised that to help our team be themselves we would need support from each other as well as the business. So PRIDE was born as an employee-led group, bringing people together from all levels of JTI. The time was right for our community at HQ to come out and celebrate our contribution to the business!
As well as social events, we also want to create a space for positive change. Raising awareness is vital if we’re to demonstrate the power of diversity, so we plan to hold educational and inclusive events, like Lunch & Learn sessions with external speakers. We’re also working with the Diversity & Inclusion team and senior management to find ways to make JTI a more inclusive place to work.
It’s very important to us that PRIDE is for everyone. We don’t favour one group over another, or judge, disrespect or condescend. We’re here to support without prejudice. That includes our allies – those who don’t identify as LGBT+, but want to support the community. They will be key in driving positive change across the business. One of our early allies, Wade Wright, is now our Executive Sponsor on the JTI Executive Committee.
PRIDE at JTI is still in its early stages. We’re just one group of colleagues at HQ and we have a long way to go to reach all of our aims. But while we may be the first PRIDE group, we’re confident that we will not be the last.
After all, we’re stronger when we’re together.